jeudi 28 mai 2009


Hahaha, hello, i have something to say. xD Why are you guys talking about the ghost in Bintan? If there even was one. Like..... just forget it la, that was last 3 days man. And come on, whats there to be scared of? -.-" When i was in Bintan, when i shine a torch light on the water during night time, so paranoid people told me to stop shining, hahaha, just saying, dont be too paranoid, it might come after you... Hohoho. Hahah, i'm kidding. Haaha, and who posted before me ah? Put your name lah. Lol, and 'ahhem'? Lol. -.- By the way, it doesn't mean you shine a torch on the sea or the tree or wherever eery places, the ghost will come out. There's no such theory, don't be so paranoid. Lol, the ghost comes out whenever they want to. Lol. Okay, dont freak out when you read this post la okay.... And please dont come to me in school and tell me about my post, cause i really dont wish to hear it, i might even throw my temper on you. Hahaha, whooops, sorry, a little hot tempered lately.

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